Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Nautical number: Hello Sailor!

Ahoy there mateys!

What a week it has been...
Amongst working full time, being unwell, sewing 2 bridesmaids dresses, going to a poetry reading, eating dumplings,  and meeting up with some lovely lady bloggers (Rachael #1, Rachael #2 get a blog already! and Anna) I managed to finish a little something for myself. 

This McCalls pattern (M6752) has been living in the stash for some time now. It was purchased during one of those awesome 99c sales on the McCalls website. I think it has been mentioned that I enjoy stocking up during these sales...cough hoarder cough!

Not sure what I'm doing in this picture, sozza!
This number was sewn mostly on the overlocker with only the shoulder darts (they are so clever!) and the neckline/sleeve hems using my sewing machine. It was a VERY quick make. I think it was about 37 minutes of sewing all up...who's counting?

I only had about 90cm of this striped jersey in the stash but managed to get all the pieces out without too much "creative" cutting. I chose the smallest size as I am usually swimming in the big 4 and it turned out to be a perfect fit! win.

All the pieces matched up and I quite enjoy all the chevron-y goodness.
This was also my first time using a double needle... umm where have you been all my life!!!???
Now I want to double needle everything. Everything.
I can be slightly obsessive... So my mum says.

Pattern: McCalls 6754
Fabric: Striped poly/cotton jersey (with great recovery!)
Time: approx 37 mins + 15 mins cutting
Make again: 100 more please

And that's all she wrote.
Talk soon!